Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show Pics

i’m a huge fan of the victoria’s secret fashion show. the models are actually hot instead of deathly skinny, and it’s a lot of fun.

whether you want to check out the outfits or drool over the girls, here is a huge collection of victoria’s secret fashion show pics (2008)


Wanting a Zipfy Freestyle Mini Luge for Christmas!

get me a Zipfy

what’s a Zipfy? Its better than a sled, cooler than skiing, and cheaper than a real luge. it’s a mini luge.

it is sooooo sweet you have to see it to understand it. try and their zipfy videos.

if you live in california, move to colorado or vermont for the winter! you want snow this year!

tell me that speed wouldn’t be INSANE!!

(p.s. anyone up for a zipfy race sometime?)

UFC 91 Video: Brock Lesnar vs Randy Couture

What a fight! Last night we got to see UFC veteran Randy Couture take on newcomer Brock Lesnar in a title fight. This was just Lesnar’s fourth fight, but he is such a beast and so popular from his days in WWE, he was given a title shot.

Plus, having Brock Lesnar as a main event would draw huge crowds…

Unfortunately I can’t post the video here, and you won’t find it on Youtube because the networks are on the lookout for possible bootleggers, but I have found where you can watch Lesnar vs Couture online for free: (direct link to fight video)

MegaVideo (direct link to fight video)

The video is about 10 minutes long, so you know the fight must have ended in the second round…

To see who won, watch the video. It’s a great fight!

weekend fun: Urban Sprinting

looking for something to do this weekend?

i recommend urban sprinting, it looks like tons of fun! here is a video:

instructions are in the video, but here’s how it works, in a nutshell:

. you go to the mall
. you swipe one of those tracking tags through a security system (but don’t steal anything)
. wait for security
. run
. stop the clock once you get to a burger chain

woo hoo!